Thursday, 13 February 2014


Hi guys! so im sorry i haven't been on in MONTHS! but i have been really busy training my puppy to be a ninja.....long story. he hasn't learnt anything.... *glares a billy* BUT IM HERE NOW! so to those who actually READ my blog i thank you :) (i know im alone...)
So this post is about valentines which is tomorrow....
Me and my boyfriend recently broke up and i am spending valentines day...ALONE! So this is about how to survive valentines day WITHOUT a valentines.

Step 1: lonely friends.
So your alone on valentine. to be fair, so are alot of people. in fact. for every four of your friends, i bet at least one is alone on valentines. So invite them over! And god damn it make them your valentine! Because valentines day is for people you love and you love your friends so its fine!

step 2: watch movies
movies actually help alot on valentines. Dont watch a love movie though! NO ROMANCE! watch a horror or sci-fi or adventure but NO ROMANCE!

step 3: stop reading blogs!
if your still reading this STOP! seriously! this post is pretty sad :( so stop reading blogs and start getting a valentines ;) ure gorgeous!

loving you! xx keep reading


  1. Good tips! love the post x x Are you going to post about Lilys Party?
    My blog:
    From Another kinda fashion blogger x

    1. yeah! of course! that party was a party to remember!
